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It is a purely Andean landscape, its buildings are austere, gray and calamine roofs and today one of the areas with the greatest potential for archaeological tourism.


Puno has an immense natural wealth that can be appreciated through its immense Lake of calm waters and its floating islands, in this place has tourist attractions that should visit the Tinajani Tower, the ancient pre-Inca monuments, its churches and cathedrals, museums and craft markets that take place in the Cahuide street and Laykakota avenue.

Photo by saiko3p on istockphoto 


Good to know

  • Location
    In the south-eastern part of the country and is bordered on the north by the Department of Madre de Dios; on the east by the Republic of Bolivia; on the south by the Department of Tacna and on the west by the Departments of Moquegua, Arequipa and Cusco.
  • Altitude
    3 827 meters above sea level.
  • Climate
    Warm and temperate.
  • Seasons
    Hot weather (late August to early december), mild (october 14 to december 15), warm (november), cold (june 10 to august 1).
  • Indispensable to bring
    Warm jacket, waterproof clothing, scarf, wool cap, slippers, sunglasses, sunscreen, umbrella, rain poncho, lip balm, identification document and cash.
  • Distance to other cities
    Puno - Arequipa: 294 km.
    Puno - Cusco: 394 km.
    Puno - Lima: 303 km.
  • Fun fact
    Lake Titicaca, one of the largest in all of South America. It is divided between 2 countries, Peru and Bolivia. In addition to being the highest navigable lake in the world, being at 3,815 meters above sea level.

Main tourist attractions

Lake Titicaca.

It is located between Bolivia and Peru, at an altitude of 3,800 meters above sea level, it was one of the most sacred sites for the Inca civilization, it has calm waters and a brilliant reflection.

Known as the highest navigable lake in the world, the great Titicaca has an area close to 8,200 km2, in this lake there is a great variety of riches that can be easily appreciated in the fauna and flora of the different islands that are found In the area. In addition, you can enjoy cultural and experiential experiences with the inhabitants of the islands.

In this place the totora reeds abounds, which is used by the inhabitants of the Uros to make their caballitos de totora and houses, and at the same time remind us of how our ancestors moved and fished through this boat.

Sillustani Archaeological Complex.

Located 33 km from Puno, famous for the “Chullpas”, this complex is a cemetery where you can appreciate the tombs belonging to the Kolla culture, which developed in the northern part of the lagoon, in the town known as Hatuncolla.

There are 13 sectors in the complex, with different configurations; in addition, there is the Umayo Lagoon with an aspect of grandeur and mystery.

The temple of fertility

It is located in the town of Chucuito, also called Inca Uyo, which means “virile member of the Inca” in Aymara. It is a temple of fertility with more than 80 stone phalluses. It is said that these sculptures were erected to thank nature for the miracle of reproduction, and to help infertile women to have children.

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