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Puerto Maldonado

Madre de Dios has a mega-diversity of natural species that has earned it National recognition by Law No. 26311, calling it “Capital of Biodiversity of Peru” and in 1987 UNESCO recognized the Manu National Park as “Natural Heritage of Humanity”.

Photo by Ostill on istockphoto

The “Capital of Biodiversity of Peru” is home to 575 varieties of birds, 1,200 butterflies, 135 species of ants and one of the greatest biodiversity on the planet, in addition to the Tambopata and Manu reserves and the Heath Pampas Sanctuary. It is also home to endless forests, winding rivers and abundant natural life. It is a reserve of flora and fauna, as well as a refuge for endangered species such as the maned wolf and the marsh deer.

Photo by Vi Gregnol on istockphoto

Good to know

  • Location
    In the southeast of the country, in the Amazon, bordering Ucayali and Brazil to the north, Bolivia to the east, Puno to the south and Cuzco to the west.
  • Altitude
    Minimum: 183 meters above sea level (Puerto Maldonado).
    Maximum: 500 meters above sea level (Boca Manu).
  • Climate
    Humid and warm.
  • Seasons
    Two seasons are distinguished, a dry season between may and october, and a rainy season between december and april.
  • Indispensable to bring
    Comfortable walking clothes, light sneakers, mosquito repellent, rain poncho, sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, long sleeves, flashlight, cash, camera.
  • Distance to other cities
    Puerto Maldonado - Lima: 1 693 km
    Puerto Maldonado - Cusco: 531 km
    Puerto Maldonado - Abancay: 731 km
  • Fun fact
    Tambopata became the first Ecotourism destination in South America.

Main tourist attractions

Puerto Maldonado

It is one of the most awesome and visited cities in the Peruvian jungle. In addition, its port is the fluvial center of many boats in the tropical area. The place is recognized as the center of biodiversity, which highlights its high temperature. On the other hand, it has many interesting places to visit, from the Parque de la Juventud in homage to the poet César Vallejo, the exhibitions in the Mariposario, the Serpentario and much more.

The Tambopata National Reserve

It is located 45 kilometers from Puerto Maldonado. It was declared a natural protected area for its natural beauty, its immense wildlife, its abundant flora and fauna and its territorial space. With the objective of protecting its tropical rainforest ecosystem.  On the other hand, the place was converted into the Bahuaja National Park.

The reserve has about 545 varieties of birds, 1122 kinds of butterflies, 205 types of fish and other species. Among the mammals are the giant otter, which is on the verge of extinction; another example is the macaw, whose clay licks are highly sought after by visitors. On the other hand, the flora presents a diversity of plants of at least 1,255 types. The area is also home to the native communities of Palma Real, Sonene and Infierno.

Manu National Park

In 1987, Unesco gave it the category of  World Heritage Site.  It is one of the areas of greatest diversity and stands out for its megadiversity of biological species.

About 835 animal species have been registered in the Manu Park and 2,840 plant species have been distinguished; where a great diversity can be found. The Park’s objective is to protect the protected area and the endangered animals. In addition, the protection of its ecosystems and ethnic groups. On the other hand, the Yora, Mashko-Piro, Matsiguenka, Harakmbut, Wachipaeri and Yine communities inhabit part of the area.

Bahuaja Sonene National Park

Bahuaja Sonene National Park is located in southeastern Peru, in the Madre de Dios and Puno regions (Tambopata and Sandía). It is 200 kilometers from Lake Titicaca. It is an almost unexplored territory with a great habitat of great richness in fauna and flora. Its greatness lies in the conservation of the environment. Its pampas stand out for their humid savannahs in the tropics.

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