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Known as “The City of Kings”, a name that was imposed by the conquistador Francisco  Pizarro when he founded it on January 18, 1535. According to historian David Pino, the  name is due to the coincidence of the date on which the emissaries left Pachacamac in search of the city that would be the capital of the viceroyalty of Peru, with the date of the  celebration of the Bajada de Reyes. 

Photo by FrankvandenBergh on istockphoto

Lima was the capital of the Viceroyalty of Peru and the largest and most important city in  South America during colonial times; after independence, it became the capital of the  Republic of Peru. Today Lima has more than 9 million inhabitants and receives  immigrants from all over the world, making it a multicultural city. It is also one of the  most important and visited cities in Latin America.

Lima is one of the most privileged capitals of South America, because it has a  spectacular view of the Pacific Ocean, which allows you to enjoy incredible  landscapes and experiences on a tour of the green coast. Lima is unstoppable, so you  will always find things to do, discover and experience. 

Photo by MediaProduction on istockphoto


Good to know

  • Location
    located on the central coast of the country, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, bordered by the coastal desert and extending over the valleys of the Chillon, Rimac and Lurin rivers.
  • Altitude
    154 meters above sea level. (metropolitan district).
  • Climate
    the average annual temperature is 14 °C during the winter and 25.5 °C during the summer.
  • Seasons
    spring (september 23 to december 21), summer (december 21 to march 21), autumn (march 21 to june 21), winter (june 21 to september 23).
  • It is essential to bring
    personal protection equipment, comfortable walking clothes, sneakers, hat, sunglasses, jacket (especially in winter), identification document, and cash.
  • Distances to other cities
    Taking into consideration the driving route:
    Lima - Trujillo (561,09 km).
    Lima - Ica (295,35 km)
    Lima - Arequipa (1.001,14 km)
    Lima - Cusco (1.078,84 km)
    Lima - Puno (1.273,02 km)
    Lima - Puerto Maldonado (1.695,61 km)
  • Fun fact
    It is the second largest city in the world located in a desert.

Main tourist attractions

While Lima is recognized as the gastronomic capital of Latin America, experiencing and tasting delicious dishes is not the only thing you will get in this incredible city, as its  imposing colonial architecture, cultural legacy, diverse landscape and people will surprise  you. If you are a lover of good food, history and adventure, the Peruvian capital has to be  your next destination.  

Historic center of Lima

The historic center of Lima was declared Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO, due  to its exceptional nature, integrity and authenticity of its architectural, aesthetic, historical  and urban values, which can be seen in its magnificent

colonial and republican buildings, streets and balconies. Among the main places to visit  are: the Plaza de Armas, the Cathedral of Lima, the convent of San Francisco, the convent  of Santo Domingo, the Archbishop’s Palace, the Plaza San Martin, among others. Another  experience that you can not miss, and it is also free, is the changing of the guard that takes  place in the Government Palace. 

Museums and archaeological monuments:

Each archaeological monument and museum holds a sample of the cultural legacy of our  ancestors, collections of great artistic, cultural and historical value, as well as the legacy  that has been built over time. Some museums that are not to be missed are: the National   Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology, the Larco Museum, the Museum of Art of  Lima (MALI), and the Museum of Gold of Peru and Weapons of the World. In addition,  you can not miss the impressive archaeological monuments such as Huaca Pucllana, Huaca  Huallamarca, Mateo Salado, and the Archaeological Sanctuary of Pachacamac. 


The tourist district par excellence. Miraflores offers a number of activities, including  cultural, gastronomic, and adventure. You can ride a bike through its streets and the green  coast, or even go paragliding. Get ready to visit Larcomar, Parque del Amor, Parque  Kennedy, the Indian Market, Huaca Pucllana, different museums and the beaches of the  green coast. 

The hotels with the highest quality standards are located in Miraflores and San Isidro.  From which it is possible to move to different parts of the city.  

San Isidro

It stands out for being the financial center of Lima, since we find the headquarters of the  main banks, insurance companies, and national and transnational companies. But it is also one of the most modern districts of Peru. Among the main tourist attractions are the El  Olivar Forest, the Huaca Huallamarca and the Municipal and Cultural Palace.

Barranco and Chorrillos

Be enchanted by the Bohemian district of Barranco, where you can enjoy a tour of the  Municipal Park, Municipal Library, Bridge of Sighs, Plazuela Chabuca Granda, Mirador  Recavarren, among other places. Barranco is also known for its active nightlife, with its  charming bars and peñas. While Chorrillos stands out for its traditional fishing customs,  highlighting the fishing pier of Chorrillos, its various beaches that it shares with  neighboring Barranco, which are ideal for surfing, and the well-known restaurant El Salto  del Fraile. 

Monumental Callao

Meet the emblematic heritage area of the first port of Peru and its historic streets. Among  the main places you can visit are; the Real Felipe, Plaza Grau, Plaza Matriz, Plaza Galvez  and the old Ronald building, places that will bring us closer to its art, music, gastronomy,  history, urban art and its living culture. In addition, Callao has other impressive places such  as Chucuito, the Callao Naval Museum, La Punta Beach, the Abtao Submarine Museum,  and the Palomino and San Lorenzo Islands. 


Recognized as the first tourist district of Peru. It is a place with a lot of history, where the  following cultures developed: Lima, Chancay, Ichma, Huari and Chincha. This district  invites you to live cultural, gastronomic and adventure experiences. Its main tourist  attraction is the Archaeological Sanctuary of Pachacamac, but we also find the Lomas de  Lucumo, Cardal, the Pisco Museum, the Plaza de Armas of Pachacamac and the Hacienda  Mamacona, where you can enjoy delicious typical dishes and the Peruvian Paso horse  show.  


It is a district located north of Lima. It was a traditional seaside resort during the nineteenth  century and currently retains elegant buildings of that time and the imposing Yacht Club.  Among the tourist attractions are: the Ancon Museum, Miramar Beach, San Francisco  Beach, Isla Grande, the Ancon Reserved Zone, and the Necropolis archaeological complex.

Other short routes

If you want to venture a little more, you can take short routes to other provinces near the  city of Lima and live unique experiences in Antioquia, Lunahuaná, Azpitia, Barranca,  Canta, Churín and Huaral. Here you can connect with nature, go trekking, rafting, horse ridings, among other outdoor activities.

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