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The largest tourist attraction in Peru and the world, known as the “Archaeological Capital of America”.

In this region are the first Andean civilizations with the influence of Huari and Tiahuanaco. It can also be said to be the beginning of the Inca Empire and the site of the resistance of the Vilcabamba Incas after the Conquest of Peru.

In this beautiful department the celebration of Inti Raymi is a tradition that comes to our days since the time of the Inca Empire. Although this celebration has been recovered for more than 50 years where it is celebrated with great pride, in these special dates we have a large number of foreign visitors who are privileged to be present to our living history.

In Cusco is one of the wonders of the world which is Machu Picchu and how not to mention the impressive places that are in this region as Sacsayhuaman, Coricancha, Ollantaytambo, Pisac, Chinchero, Choquequirao,  Maras, Moray and the Mountain of the 7 Colors.

Photo by  Lovelypeace on istockphoto

Good to know

  • Location
    It is located in central and southeastern Peru.
  • Altitude
    3 399 meters above sea level.
  • Climate
    Semi-dry and cold.
  • Seasons
    Hot weather (late april to mid-july), mild (september 18 to november 27), warm (november), cool (december 31 to march 23), cold (july).
  • Indispensable to bring
    Warm clothes since we are at high altitude, insect repellent, sun block, hat or chullo, waterproof clothing, rain poncho, sneakers, identification document and cash.
  • Distance to other cities
    Cusco to Lima: 1153 km.
    Cusco to Arequipa: 623 km.
    Cusco to Puno: 389 km.
  • Fun fact
    The flag of Cusco; many tourists are surprised to see the gay pride flag in many points of the city of Cusco. However, this is no more than a coincidence. It happens that in 1973, a radio station proposed a banner as a symbolic flag of the extinct empire of the Incas.

Main tourist attractions

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu which in Quechua means “Old Mountain” is an archaeological wonder of Peru and the world, considered by UNESCO “Cultural Heritage of Humanity”, and elected as “New Wonder of the World”, this complex is complemented harmoniously with the natural environment that surrounds it, also this beautiful place preserves the architecture, the history of Peru “the empire of the Incas”. 

Machu Picchu is located on the left bank of the Vilcanota River, in the ravine of Kusichaca, this spectacular construction is nestled on the top of the mountain, in front of it, the summit of Huayna Picchu or young mountain imposes itself. Both are bathed by the torrential Urubamba River.

Vinicunca Rainbow Mountain

The Rainbow Mountain or Mountain of 7 colors is located at 5200 m.a.s.l., it belongs to the snowy mountain Ausangate, which is the highest of the Vilcanota mountain range, it has become one of the most sought after destinations in Cusco because it is a mountain formation dyed in stunning colors such as red, purple, green, yellow, pink and others; these colors are due to the minerals that covers the mountain.


This archaeological site is located in Maras. It is an Inca construction that is characterized by being formed by several circular platforms in a kind of crater and is located at 3500 meters above sea level. The largest pit has a depth of 150 m and the average height of the platforms is 1.80 m.

According to many archaeologists, this site was used by the Incas to experiment with their crops at different altitudes.

Maras Salt Mines

The name of the salt mine in Quechua is kachi Raqay and is composed of about five thousand pools of about 5 square meters each, the water is filtered in the pools and evaporates by the intense sun, causing the crystals of coarse salt to sprout, after 1 month the salt reaches 10 cm. high and has to be harvested.

They are salt mines whose exploitation is as old as the Tahuantinsuyo. Located on the slope of the hill, the salt mine in the form of terraces or platforms is crossed by a stream that feeds the salt water pools. The use of the salt of Maras dates back thousands of years and is inherited by each family, but it is managed communally.


It is an impressive architectural complex that is located at 2792 meters above sea level and is 3500 years old. It is believed that its construction was oriented towards the city of Cusco, as its architects sought to defend themselves from the Incas, and also chose this area for the subway water channels that were discovered at great depth. The inhabitants of Ollantaytambo designed a system of aqueducts that is still in full operation today. Each fountain was carved in rock with its own characteristics and designs. The best known and considered the most beautiful is the Fuente de la Ñusta, made of a single stone and decorated in the shape of a portal.

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